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How Does Community Solar Work?
Let’s Keep It Simple

A solar farm is constructed on a strategic piece of property within a utility's service area. The electricity produced is metered and sent directly to the grid. The electric utility allocates the bill credits to the residential and commercial subscribers to the solar farm. The bill credits are typically applied at a 10% discount. This process is handled automatically by your electric utility company. You’ll see the results as reduced charges on your monthly electric bill. You’ll also receive periodic updates from Omni Renewables showing the positive impact your community solar subscription is having on the environment.
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Solar farms, located in the community, generate green electricity and send it to the power grid.

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The green energy is delivered to your local utility company for distribution.

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Watch the savings roll in!


Residential and commercial subscribers will receive bill credits for their portion of green energy generated by the solar farm

What are your benefits?

  • There is no cost to you, ever. Just savings. Every month.

  • All NYS utility customers, residential and commercial, are eligible to subscribe.

  • You will save 10% of the monetary value of your monthly farm production credits, reducing your bill.

  •  For now, residential subscribers receive a $50 Visa e-card 30 days after subscribing as an incentive to act.


How does it work?

  • You subscribe to a community solar farm for the amount of electricity you paid for in the last 12 months.

  • The community solar farm feeds electricity to the grid and credits you for your subscribed share.

  • Your share of the community solar farm credits are reflected monthly on your electric bill.

  • Your electric utility and your energy supplier remain the same.

  • Subscribers will be signed up on a first-come, first-serve basis. Those that wait may have to wait longer for additional community solar farm availability.

  • Subscribers agree to a one-year savings agreement, with 60 days to opt-out without penalty.

  • Savings agreement period begins when your community solar farm starts sending electricity to the grid.

  • Savings agreement automatically renews each year, and you can keep it when you move within the same utility.

  • Churches, Non-Profits and Retailers can participate in our Green Energy Partnership Program. Find out how.

Why is this important?

  • Climate change, aging utility infrastructure, job creation, and more.

  • NYS Government in action: Incentivize private investment to deliver a consumer benefit.

  • NYS is now mandated by Public Service Law to achieve 70% of electricity sourced from renewables by 2030.

  • Provides an effective action for all New York utility customers to address Climate Change.


Do you want to reserve your benefit? Subscribe now, here’s how:

  • Residential Customers: Subscribe online HERE and/or contact us below.          

  • Commercial  Customers: Email a copy of your utility bill to us for a savings proposal.

Contact Us

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